Title: The Prince and the Wizard Author/Artist: nickygabriel Claim: Starsky&Hutch(/Merlin BBC) Theme: #7 - Go For the Kill Theme Set: Cliches Rating: PG Warnings: none Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Title: They Love Us Too Author/Artist: nickygabriel Claim: Starsky&Hutch(/Riptide) Theme: #4 - Love Conquers All Theme Set: Cliches Rating: PG-13 Warnings: none Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Title: Now or Never Author/Artist: nickygabriel Claim: Starsky&Hutch(/Riptide) Theme: #1 Now or Never Theme Set: Cliches Rating: PG-13 Warnings: spoilers for Sweet Revenge Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.